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文章来源:beat365在线体育官网 发布于:2023-04-14  浏览:4145

屈婧,beat365在线体育官网硕士生导师。2022年毕业于华南师范大学beat365在线体育官网获得教育学博士学位。相关研究成果先后发表在《Human Brain Mapping》、《Psychophysiology》Neuroscience》Brain Imaging and Behavior》、《Frontiers in Human Neuroscience》等权威学术期刊





1. 语言加工和学习


2. 有效学习和记忆



1. Qu J., Pang Y., Liu X., Cao Y., Huang C., Mei L.* 2022. Task modulates the orthographic and phonological representations in the bilateral ventral Occipitotemporal cortex. Brain Imaging and Behavior.

2. Qu J, Hu L, Liu X, Dong J, Yang R, Mei L.* 2021. The contributions of the left hippocampus and bilateral inferior parietal lobule to form-meaning associative learning. Psychophysiology. 58(8): e13834.

3. Qu J., Zhang L., Chen C., Xie P., Li H., Liu X., Mei L*., 2019. Cross-language pattern similarity in the bilateral fuiform cortex is associated with reading proficiency in second language. Neuroscience, 410, 254.

4. Li, H.(#), Qu, J. (#), Chen, C., Chen, Y., Xue, G., Zhang, L., Lu, C., Mei, L.*, 2019. Lexical learning in a new language leads to neural pattern similarity with word reading in native language. Human Brain Mapping, 1-12.

5.  Qu, J., Qian, L., Chen, C., Xue, G., Li, H., Xie, P., Mei, L.*, 2017. Neural Pattern Similarity in the Left IFG and Fusiform Is Associated with Novel Word Learning. Front Hum Neurosci 11, 424.

6. 梅磊磊*, , 李会玲, 2017. 第二语言学习的认知神经机制. 华南师范大学学报(社会科学版), 6: 63-73.

7. Li A., Yang R., Qu J., Dong J., Gu L., Mei L.*. 2022. Neural representation of phonological information during Chinese character reading. Human Brain Mapping.

8. Li H., Liang Y., Qu J., Sun Y., Jiang N., Mei L.* 2021. The effects of word concreteness on cross-language neural pattern similarity during semantic categorization. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 58, 100978.

9.  Liu X., Qu J., Li H., Yang R., Mei L.* 2021. Similar activation patterns in the bilateral dorsal inferior frontal gyrus for monolingual and bilingual contexts in second language production. Neuropsychologia. 156: 107857.

10.  Lu C.(#), Li H.(#), Fu R., Qu J., Yue Q., Mei L.* 2020. Neural Representation in Visual Word Form Area during Word Reading. Neuroscience, 452, 49-62.

11. Dong J., Li A., Chen C., Qu J., Jiang N., Sun Y., Hu L., Mei L.* 2020. Language distance in orthographic transparency affects cross-language pattern similarity between native and non-native languages. Human Brain Mapping, 1-15. 

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